5 Reasons Why Your Dad Needs a BallQube for Christmas
Published on: December 15, 2017
Still trying to figure out what to get your dad for Christmas this year? He’s hard to shop for, you say? You don’t want to get him just anything? He already has everything?
Bet he doesn’t have a BallQube.
A what cube? you ask?
A BallQube.
It’s only the coolest Christmas present your dad has never received.
Till now, that is.
At BallQube, we make multi-sized, transparent, protective, UV-blocking, stackable cases for safely storing and openly displaying the stuff that matters most to your dad. (What kind of stuff are we talking about? We’ll get to that shortly.)
Unless your dad is from another planet (unless he doesn’t possess a single item of personal significance), we’re gonna have a hard time believing that you’ll have any trouble seeing for yourself why a BallQube would make an awesome present.
But just in case there’s still any question, here are five reasons why a BallQube would make the perfect gift for your dad this Christmas.
- Somewhere in his life there’s probably a significant ball: a baseball signed by a legend, a golf ball from his best game, a softball from the company intramural championships, a toy ball that he taught you to play catch with, or an old pigskin from his dad’s glory days. If there’s a ball like this anywhere in your dad’s life, or there will be come Christmas morning, a BallQube is the next logical step.
- Maybe there’s not a special ball in your dad’s life, but there are other kinds of sports memorabilia that mean alot to him, whether that’s an autographed bat, his favorite baseball cap or glove, or what have you. At BallQube, we make specially sized cases for just these kind of items.
- Your dad’s not into sports? We get it. Sports aren’t everybody’s thing. But most dads have something they like to collect, whether that’s antique watches, pocket knives, vintage gadgets, Hot Wheels diecast cars, or cigars. Since a BallQube is not just for balls or sports memorabilia, it makes a perfect gift for any kind of collectible.
- So maybe your dad doesn’t collect stuff. We understand. But no doubt there are objects of special and lasting significance to him, whether that’s his father’s watch, a college ring, a first anniversary gift from your mom, ticket stubs from the concert of his favorite band, a bird’s nest from the tree of his childhood home, a souvenir from a special trip he took, or something else of enduring interest. A BallQube is a perfect accompaniment in which to give and safeguard these kinds of treasures.
- Still not convinced? How about this: A BallQube isn’t what he’s expecting, so here’s your chance to surprise him with something unique, a gift that will do justice to a personally significant item. And who knows, maybe the gift of a BallQube can even call forth a long-forgotten treasure hidden away in a dusty storage box of a closet, basement, or attic, putting it back on open display where it can be properly appreciated and enjoyed, perhaps for the first time in decades.
At BallQube we wish your dads and ours the very merriest Christmas and the happiest New Year. May dads everywhere enjoy the gift of their BallQube!