The 7 Best Blogs for Moms of Girls to Follow
Published on: June 22, 2017
Mommy bloggers offer some of the best parenting advice you can find on the internet, using their first-hand experiences. They also provide a community for moms to reach out with issues they have and get advice from people who have faced those same issues in the past.
These women don’t just share personal experiences – they share honest experiences to show other moms that everyone struggles with a few things, and that is totally fine.
For moms of girls, here’s a list of blogs you can connect with, learn from and build fun relationships through!
This blog is a goldmine for moms with girl athletes. It covers all topics relating to girls in sports and every blog post is filled with helpful, applicable tips. They also cover the whole age range so whether your daughter is just starting her very first gymnastics class, or she’s in college playing all kinds of sports, they’ve got you covered.
Jaime and Jacinda, who both run the Pretty Prudent blog, are a wealth of resources for awesome DIY projects your girl(s) will love. They show their readers how to make special treats, crafts, gardening ideas, DIY ideas for clothing, embroidery, and so much more! Jamie, who is an avid traveler, brings to her audience new places to fall in love with. She’s also a great photographer and captures scenes beautifully.
Although Gold Medal Mom is more of a community that offers coaching services to both parents and their athletes, they run a very resourceful blog full of helpful information. Most of their articles are written by sports moms and athletes, and they share real, uncut versions of their experiences.
This blog was started as a challenge by Lisa, who wanted to cut out processed foods from her family’s diet. She decided to embark on a 100-day journey of eating only fresh, home-cooked food. She managed to spend just $125 per week on meals for her family of four. This blog is filled with so many great recipes; it’s basically a free cookbook with the healthiest family meals.
Anitra talks about every concern a sports mom could have. Her tips cover topics ranging from time management to the best sunscreens to use while at a game. Her focus is helping sports moms like her do more in less time and with less stress.
This blog is run by four moms who share their parenting experiences and the solutions that have worked for them when faced with specific challenges. A section of the blog is dedicated to helping other mom bloggers grow their audience. They also share different recipes for healthy, easy-to-make family meals for when you literally just want to ‘throw’ something together.
Their tagline is “because you can’t pour from an empty pitcher”, and that is something we can all agree on. This blog was started by Alicia, who by the time her son was a month old, knew she needed to find a way to make time for herself so she could be the best for her son. Now, along with her mom team of writers, she updates moms everywhere on fun ways they can spend their personal time. She also shares fun family activity ideas which everyone can participate in.
Think this list is missing something? Let us know what mom blogs are at the top of yours. You can also go to our online store to choose from our collection of display cases every proud mama needs to keep mementos for years to come!