Why Dad Deserves A BallQube For Father’s Day
Published on: June 15, 2017
June 18th is right around the corner, and if you don’t have a particularly special gift for Dad already picked out, then you just might want to consider a BallQube case. They’re a fantastic gift for any dad who has some sports memorabilia to protect—whether he’s an avid collector or just has one special, autographed ball. In any case, Dad deserves a BallQube case this Father’s Day. Here’s why.
He Values Things He Can Use
If your dad is anything like ours, he usually says he doesn’t want anything for Father’s Day. He has enough “stuff.” But he also values useful items that are built to last and perform their job well. BallQube cases fit that description perfectly.
He’d Build His Own If He Could
Dad is pretty handy, and he hates paying for something he can do himself. If he could build a UV resistant, two-piece display case that fits together seamlessly, he would. However, that’s a pretty tall order, even for Dad, so it might be better if you went ahead and got him one for Father’s Day.
He Kept You Safe For Years
So why not return the favor and help him keep something else safe? Dad prevented many a disaster when you were too young to take care of yourself, and few more disasters when you were old enough to think that you could take care of yourself. He took it all in stride and prized your safety over everything. That’s probably worth a case for his Roberto Clemente autographed ball, right?
He Was The One Who Taught You To Love The Game
Now, we know there are plenty of moms out there who brought their children up to appreciate the crack of the bat or the thrill of the kickoff return, but dads have a special place in many of our memories when it comes to sports. So now’s the time to give him a gift that that represents special memories. You know how much that piece of memorabilia means to dad because he took you to your first game, showed you how to throw a curveball, and gave you a pep talk after a tough loss. It’s only right that you should help him preserve his memorabilia with a BallQube case.
There’s A Good Chance He’ll Be Passing It On To You
While we wouldn’t recommend pure self-interest as the motivation behind any gift, it shouldn’t be lost on you that your dad’s autographed ball or jersey is the type of thing that he one day might hand down to someone else. That someone, potentially, being you. So, you know, it might be a good idea to help him preserve it.
So whatever the reason, don’t just pick out a new tie or shirt for Dad this Father’s Day. Get him something he can really use and enjoy. Check out our huge selection of durable, clear cases—all made in the USA—and find the perfect one for Dad’s sports memorabilia.